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January Concept Presentation

This week, we had an interim presentation of our concept for our Final Major projects. It is always a beautiful to observe the development of an idea, from conception to completion, so I have posted my presentation slides above for you to explore and compare with the finalised ones that I will hopefully post in May.

The tutors have been really helpful in giving feedback about this presentation - although it all feels a little bit overwhelming at the moment. Here are a couple of my notes taken during the feedback discussion that we had after the presentation:

  • How do you intend to use the building that is there? You have been talking in generic terms about intent, however, you need to illustrate and detail that through notional/spatial planning. Convert what you said verbally into some form of relationship plan.

  • Where are you going to find the children? How will you get users to go into the building? How do you make your building a destination?

  • Why don't you make it more open? The Birmingham University is right there on your doorstep. Go walk around the campus and find out what facilities do the students already have. Also, don’t lose sight of the Argent College - they are your prospective users too.

  • Through the feasibility study, you must test the idea against reality.

  • A clock. When do you tell a story? Consider the relationship between time and storytelling.

  • Look up the Scottish National Storytelling Centre. Find precedents and examples of previous work on the same subject. There might have been an RSA project on storytelling too.

  • Make it multicultural, as stories are multicultural and diverse.

  • Maybe suggest a way of collecting stories from the local population?

  • Use food as a catalyst for facilitating communication and storytelling.

  • Context: define the relationship of what is around to the building - street views/buildings/important institutions/ walking routes etc.

  • The story is the driving force of your project. Don’t limit what other people might choose to do with a story > keep your brief clear.

  • The centre doesn’t have to define itself as theatrical - and it can still be exactly that.

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© 2018 by Ana Moarcas.

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